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The Formation of Blue Squadron

Report compiled by Colonel Dextera

28th March 2122

This formation of Blue Squadron was formed on 27th March 2122 upon the Graduation of Trainee Ryan’s Blue Squadron. I hand picked a selection of equally matched trainees from the other squadrons. These trainees stood out amongst their peers for various reasons. They had equalising skill sets and weaknesses. My hope is that they will come together to form a workable squadron that could challenge the best squadrons. 

I chose Alex from Green Squadron to become the new squadron leader. Alex’s strengths come from strategy and his interpersonal skills. He could control the more high-tempered characters within his current squadron while also supporting and maturing the more vulnerable members. He was a leader already. In fact, I must consider whether the current squadron leader for Green Squadron was good enough to remain as such or whether I should reassign the position to another member. 

Also coming from Green Squadron are sisters Jennifer and Allison. Jennifer is older and more skilled than Allison in every way including strength and weaponry. Allison’s only benefit was her small stature and size. Allison is nimble and able to move into any hiding space that she can find, however hiding was not what she is at Praesidium for. She has little combat skill. I am hoping that keeping the formidable and exceptionally skilled Jennifer with her less capable sister will inspire Allison to develop further. I feel that she has great potential if Jennifer is an example of her future.

Two other females that I have moved into Blue Squadron are Tasmin from White Squadron and Lydia from Orange Squadron. Both are very determined young women and I am sure they are delighted to be in a squadron together after being separated upon their arrival at Praesidium. Both are skilled markswomen with the guns we have available and use great skill when handling a knife. The only comment I have for either is to develop their strategy and patience, especially Lydia. With Alex as their squadron leader, I have no doubt that they will learn both.

Also joining the squadron is Jordan from Orange Squadron. Also being reunited with members of his former group, Jordan is also a skilled marksman and knife wielder. I wondered upon their arrival if Jordan, Lydia and Tasmin had been trained by their previous group. Jordan has more patience than his female equivalents but also lacks strategic decision. In the time that he has been at Praesidium in Orange Squadron he had bonded well with Chef Peter who was familiar with Jordan’s mother before the fall. Chef Peter has been a good source of information on Jordan and his squadron’s interior working. This will be a good advantage when dealing with this newly formed squadron.

With most of Black Squadron rapidly approaching Graduation, being only one space away from the top of the squadron table, I have made the reluctant decision to move its three weakest members to Blue Squadron to develop further. Aiden, Scott and Derek are not necessarily weak in their skillset and strategy but they are not yet ready to graduate with the rest of the squadron. Aiden has the potential to be a skilled combatant but lacks patience. He is exceptionally rash and bullish. Scott and Derek are similar, though neither display the leader capabilities that Aiden does. 

This concludes the formation of Blue Squadron. We shall see how it develops as the weeks progress. 

ADDITIONAL. 17th April 2122

There had been a new addition to Blue Squadron. Arriving two days ago, Spencer was assigned to Blue Squadron. From studying Spencer’s ability in the past two days I have noted that while very intelligent he had very little potential for combat or anything physical. He has a great mind for strategy and is very determined and motivated but his physical strength and ability is lacking. Commander Jameson has noted that his aim with a gun is very poor but he does show some promise with a knife. 

ADDITIONAL. 1st May 2122

We have managed to recruit Elias Patrelli, son of Jonah Patrelli of Fiducia. He was hidden away with his mother who fell to Taleki Zavera only four days ago. A good sign of fortune we found Elias before he made his way to his father. We learnt during his recruitment that his mother spent a lot of time at Algarve Mall so we are sure that that is where Fidicia has based itself. We shall soon find out. Jonah Patrelli may not have spent much time directly with Elias but Elias shows great promise as a tactician and leader once his confidence has grown. He is also skilled with a knife but his gun work needs developing. He has been assigned to Blue Squadron.

ADDITIONAL 10th May 2122

Our latest recruit, James, has been assigned to Blue Squadron. James was spotted in Iudicium shop fighting Marcus Zavera. While he was unable to beat Marcus Zavera, he showed great promise in his agility, strength and his improvisation of weapons. He showed good thinking under pressure which could be turned into great leadership. We tried to recruit him a few weeks later but he refused us. It was a shock to see him arriving at our doors three days ago. 

Since being assigned Blue Squadron, James has displayed great potential in weaponry, navigation and first aid. I believe that with more experience and guidance by Alex he will make an excellent squadron leader. While very good at making quick decisions in a pinch, he does not make use of the planning time when it is available to him. He is rash and impatient but with close guidance that can be corrected. 

He shows great promise and I cannot wait to see him post-graduation. 

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